The Stud Coutadinha de Cima is based in Nisa, a small town in the heart of Portugal.This region – northern Alentejo – has the oldest history in Lusitano breeding.
The clima, pastures and oak trees support the breeding until horses are old enoughto be ridden in a classic way. The respect for this heritage and the accurate selectionprocess provide a stable genetic matrix that leads to a great riding ability of thesehorses.
Mares and their offspring are kept in the field the whole year, which contributes tothe robust character of this breed. Unlike most Portuguese studs, under saddle testsare a standard criterion for breeding mare selection.
The stud aims to keep the morphological uniqueness of the PSL (Puro SangueLusitano) horse. Also, character, temperament and quality of movement are of paramount importance. Keeping this in mind, the whole selection is made over thefinest horses and adapted to the current market demands, so the animals are able tofit the needs of both national and international riders.
Coutadinha de Cima’s genetic basis was a group of mares bred by Romão Tavares, JHCasquinha, Alter Real and J. F. Brito Eusébio. The chosen stallions were Hectar(Romão Tavares), Moscatel (Ana Moura Lupi), Owni (JMM), Zazu (SDR), Sol (FBA), andmore recently, Ula-Ula (AML), Mosaico (MMT) and Perdigão (OC).
The mares are all gently ridden before they are selected as broodmares.