Course Days 2021

Dear Lusitano Friends
We hope you all started healthy into the new year.
While Switzerland is covered in snow today, we are already busy in Portugal with the preparations for the next stallion licensing, which will hopefully take place in January as planned. For this stallion licensing we have prepared a very handsome and extraordinarily talented black Lusitano, about which we will tell you more soon. Until then we are also busy with the planning for the next course days. We are happy to send you the overview for the course days in 2021 in the attachment. Due to the current Covid-19 crisis, the course in February will be held as a private event. All those who have already reserved a place on the course will be contacted in the next few days. For new participants we have a waiting list. It is definitely worthwhile to reserve your place early.
We are looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Stay healthy and see you soon!
Your Team
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